Future Status

As Bumper moves towards further decentralisation, the DAO will receive further BUMP tokens to its treasury. In combination with greater funds to utilise for development, the Bumper protocol’s smart contracts will become open source and verified and the removal of the TSC as a final signing authority.

The decentralisation transition will move forward as follows:

  1. The DAO Treasury has 7% of total supply to help fund further development of the protocol. Further contributions will be made over time based on certain milestones achieved.

  2. All smart contracts for the working Bumper Protocol will be open-sourced and verified.

  3. The removal of veto power from the TSC.

  4. The TSC will transform into a Council made up of technical and non-technical users and token holders from the community, voted in via the DAO proposal mechanisms.

Further information on Bumper Governance can be found here and the dApp to stake and vote can be accessed here.

Last updated