
Markets Overview

Each Bumper market includes an asset and a supporting stablecoin. The Markets Overview table shows a summary of indicators for both Premium and Yield in each market, based on weighted averages of active positions. You can use these indicators to understand the current Bumper market performance and comparison with alternative risk management tools and yield generation opportunities.

The figures do not include positions which have 'expired' (ie. policy term has ended), except Current Market Yield which calculates the entire pool and is not an average calculation.

The Taker premium calculations in USD terms for the current markets are as follows:


On mobile devices, this will just show the Market type, Premium % per day and User Realised Yield (APY).

Select Market

Under the ‘Select Market’ heading you will be provided with key data about the chosen market. To note, this includes all positions, both Active and Expired (ie. positions that have finished their term but remain protected or yield-bearing).

The chart shows the current price of the asset and a visualisation of the price movement over a selectable period.

Input Box (Hedge | Earn)

See the ‘How-to Guides’ for information on how to use this.

Positions Summary

The Positions Summary shows any positions you currently have open. From this summary, you will be able to see more detail on your positions and take any available actions.

Actions and Alerts



Last updated